Buy One Get One Free Checkout for different products


I’m trying to create a checkout page for a Buy One Get One Free offer, where the customer would purchase one product (the Lapis Lazuli Mala) and receive a second one for $0 price (the Red Jasper Mala).

I used a multi-checkout to do this. However, the problem is the customer can deselect the product that costs money (the Lapis Lazuli Mala) while keeping the other one selected. Essentially allowing them to make a purchase for free.

Is it possible to make it compulsory to purchase the Lapis Lazuli Mala in order to get the Red Jasper Mala?

I did consider one option would be to combine the two into a single product. The problem is the problem name would be too cumbersome, and also at the checkout it wouldn’t feel like a real ‘Buy One Get One’ offer, so doing that hurts conversion rate.

Hi, just bumping this, in case anyone has any ideas?
