Enhance Your Sales Funnel with Our New Custom Script!

Hello Funnelish Family!

If you’re looking to spruce up your sales funnels with some neat features like dynamic spacing between elements and making your images look great on any device, I’ve got something special for you!

I’ve created a JavaScript script that can easily be added to your Funnelish funnels — This script will do two cool things for you:

  1. Dynamic Flex Gap Generation: It will automatically create the right amount of space between items in a flex container on your page — say goodbye to tweaking margins and paddings manually!
  2. Responsive Image Adjustment: Your images will automatically resize to look perfect on desktop, tablet, or mobile. No more squished or oversized images!

How awesome is that?

To use this script, just follow these simple steps:

  1. In your funnel’s page editor, click the three dots for more options and find the “Custom Codes” menu.
  2. A popup will appear — paste the script into the “Body HTML” field.
  3. Save your changes, and you’re all set!

I’m really excited to see how you all use these features to create even more stunning funnels! You can find all the details and the script itself here: GitHub - anwerashif/Funnelish

Please feel free to give it a try, and I’d love to hear your feedback. If you have any great ideas, suggestions, or need some help, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Happy funnel building!


Hello @anwerashif
I have created custom code to select products with differents variants. since it is a custom code, when trying to connect it to shopify variants. I can’t see my variants of funnelish custom code.
Do you have any idea or tutorial to make it works.
Thank you

Could you write more details here with a reference that shows how you want it and your funnel URL?