Facebook ROAS campaign attribution

Hey guys,

I am confused, does the pixel set up in funnelish allow me to get the ROAS of my individual FB campaigns? Will I be able to see this in FB?

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Hi @Dylan_Knight1,

Absolutely, The Facebook Pixel app tracks many things automatically without adding any codes to your funnel such as:

  1. All purchases, with the accurate purchase values and currencies for products, order bumps and OTOs… (automatically), so yes, return on ad spend (ROAS) will be tracked accurately and properly.

  2. Optins (ie Lead and AddToCart events) for simple optin pages, order forms or two-step order forms.

  3. PageView, and ViewContent event for all pages on your funnel (and they are lazy loaded to protect your pixel from bot traffic).

  4. CompleteRegistration: if your customer lands on the last Thank you page on your funnel, ie. they’ve gone through your entire funnel.

@Dylan_Knight1 yeah when it works. good luck with that.

Hello @Primova_Pet_Products,

I did see your ticket on our intercom, and from what our team lead has responded you are firing the pixel “MANUALLY” in your order form and other pages, which is not allowing it to work. Instead you should not add ANY pixel codes to your funnel entirely, and just rely on the Facebook Pixel app to do the work for you, it is far more accurate and easy to use than any code manual codes you are using :slight_smile:

And if you face any problems getting it to work, or any other apps just reach out to support or better yet share them on this forum with sufficient details and I will be aiding you to get it to work,

I hope that was helpful @Primova_Pet_Products