Faster Checkouts, More Sales: Payment form instant load, and other recent updates


Payment form instant loading for more conversions and a smooth checkout experience.

  • Now we are instantly loading your payment forms on checkouts.

This should improve the end-customer experience significantly, making the checkout process smoother/swifter and potentially improving CVR as well.

Improved billing experience

You can now head to the new Billing section and:

  1. Upgrade your plan anytime.
  2. Change your billing information.
  3. Change your payment information.

Such requests were handled through our chat support previously, now you can safely do it from your end.


Video upload limit increased

You can now upload videos of up to 400MB

For increased video limit above 400MB please contact chat support. An extra charge may occur.

Geo Funnels included in Global Automations

You can now include/exclude geo-funnels as well from the global automations conditions.


:hammer: Bugs killed:

  • Facebook Over-Reporting was fixed. Please notify our chat support directly if still noticing any over-reporting.
  • RTL experience improved.
  • 50% 50% split test fixed (stay tuned for exciting new split test features coming out soon)!
  • Orders search fixed.
  • Video mute bug fixed.
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