Funnelish funnel not tracking purchase value for Upsell and Downsell pages

Hello there,
We are not able to see purchase values recorded after purchasing from upsell and downsell pages in Funnelish funnel.
However, it properly tracks purchases for initial order form product purchases only.
We have properly enabled conversion API and Facebook pixel app from our side.

Can anyone please help us on how to solve this issue?


Hi Swanpil!

If you are still facing issues with this, can you please share a little more details such as:

Pages URL’s and some screenshots from FB dashboard showing the 0 values?

You can send these to our chat support internally if you don’t want the pages being seen here and we can take it from there.

Hi @AnaFunnelishTeam ,
Thanks for giving attention to my query here.
As per your request, I am sharing the URLs below along with respective FB dashboard purchase values those are only working once the initial checkout form purchase is done.

Upsell 1 URL after purchasing from checkout form: Place your Prayers Where Lourdes First Gave a Miracle
FB screenshot for this step is here: Screenshot, 2025-02-19 14:22:44 - Paste.Pics which is working fine.

Below are the upsell page urls having issues with not capturing purchase values.

Upsell 2 Step URL after purchasing from upsell 1 URL: Carry this Miraculous Lourdes Water
FB screenshot for this step is here: Screenshot, 2025-02-19 14:27:41 - Paste.Pics

Upsell 3 Step URL after purchasing from upsell 2 URL: Send your prayer to the Holy Land
FB screenshot for this step is here: Screenshot, 2025-02-19 14:28:56 - Paste.Pics

Thank You page URL after purchasing from upsell 3 URL: Thank you!
FB screenshot for this step is here: Screenshot, 2025-02-19 14:29:53 - Paste.Pics

Awaiting your reply on identifying issue and your help to fix this.


Hi Swapnil,

Thanks for all the details l am checking this from my end and will get back here with some resolutions shortly to you.

I have the same issue, @AnaFunnelishTeam. Have you found any solutions for this?

Hi Eugene,

Each of these cases must be verified individually (e.g. with its own page URL etc) as it is not a global issue l believe,

Do you face the same problem? Could we get some more details from your end please?

Can’t replicate the purchase value of each event.

In FB ads manager I see only value of first checkout. All the upsells FB tracks as a Purchase but with “0” value.

So with funnel where the first checkout has 1 product for $100, and the next step upsale with $50 I have in ads manager:

  • Purchase:2
  • Value:$100

But need:

  • Purchase:1
  • Value:$150

Here’s my settings in FB app inside Funnelish attached.

  1. How can I have 1 FB purchase event even if user get one or more upsells?
  2. How force FB tracks the purchase value of the each upsell.

please get back to me asap, I’have provided all the details