We have a sales page in Webflow which redirects to the checkout page, upsell, downsell and thank you pages in Funnelish.
Our goal is to send the correct conversion data to Everflow (EF).
The EF conversion script is installed on all the upsell, downsell and thank you page.
On testing a purchase, what I found is that on the first upsell page (the page immediately after the base purchase), the funnelish_order_value amount (e.g. $88) in the cookie is correctly stored. When I decline the upsell 1 purchase, it moves to downsell page. Here the cookie value is retained ($88). Again when I decline the downsell product and move to Upsell 2 page, the cookie value is still retained ($88). But when I accept the Upsell 2 purchase and move to thank you page, the cookie value changes to $0.
Here are the screenshots of the exact scenario.
Upsell 1 page - Screenshot by Lightshot
Downsell 1 page - after declining Upsell 1 product - Screenshot by Lightshot
Upsell 2 page - after accepting Downsell 1 product - Screenshot by Lightshot
My questions are
- Why the funnelish_order_value amount is resetting to 0 as soon as I say Yes to any Upsell / downsell product purchase.
- If I make have the conversion script on each of these pages, what should be the correct value in funnelish_order_value cookie on each page? Is it a cumulative total of each product purchase in that funnel or the value of product purchase on the previous page?