How do I connect Shopify Checkout to Funnelish?

I would like to know how to use Shopify Checkout instead of Funnelish Pay for my checkout page. I have tried everything but cannot figure it out.

Hi there!

Funnelish is not a lander builder only, but instead a full eCom sales funnel tool, so it wouldn’t make much sense to not use Funnelish Checkout as it defeats the whole point of Funnelish

You could technically send people from one platform to another with a “go to URL” button, however we don’t recommend that due to many reasons

  • Tracking - Since the customer journey starts on one platform and ends on another, it will be very hard to track anything. We won’t be able to track click through for example if the button links to an external page;

  • Facebook - To do what you say, you’d need to use 2 custom domains (e.g. one for your Funnelish landing, and obviously another one for your Shopify store); That means you point your ad to one URL (domain) and from there to another. FB doesn’t like this much,

  • Passing product info - If you plan them to select any products in Funnelish and have that added to their cart in Shopify, that will require a tone of JS and you need a good dev to set that up for you.

  • And lastly and most importantly, checkout - Funnels checkout convert up to 3 times better than Shopify one, and have 30% higher AOV due to the unlimited upsells, downsells, and order bumps that you can add for free

Hope this makes sense.

Feel free to get back if any issues, here or via our support chat directly :slight_smile:

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