How to get the funnel visited by the customer in the abandoned checkout automation webhook?

How to get the funnel visited by the customer in the abandoned checkout automation webhook?

Hi there,

Current Triggers for Abandoned Carts

We currently do not have a specific “browse abandonment” trigger. Instead, we use more effective triggers for recovering abandoned carts. Here are the triggers we recommend:

  1. Opt-in Trigger:
  • This is activated when a user opts in to receive communications from your funnel, such as by signing up for a newsletter.
  • This trigger allows us to capture the user’s interest early and keep them engaged through regular updates and promotions.
  1. Purchase Attempt Trigger:
  • This trigger captures everyone who filled in ALL data at checkout, even clicked buy, but their payment failed or they abandoned process (at PayPal/Klarna)

Why Opt-in and Purchase Attempt Triggers Are More Effective

  • Closer to Purchase:

    • Users who have opted in or initiated a purchase attempt are further along the buying journey compared to those who just browse.
    • They have shown a higher level of interest and commitment, making them more likely to respond positively to follow-up communications.
  • Higher Recovery and Retargeting Potential:

    • These users are easier to recover and retarget because they have already engaged with your funnel at a deeper level.

While a “browse abandonment” trigger might help in some cases, focusing on users who have opted in or attempted to make a purchase tends to show better results especially on funnels These individuals are already engaged and more likely to convert with the right follow-up strategies.

Thank you reply, I will try again

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