How to Implement Automatic Follow-up Emails for Abandoned Checkouts

I’ve noticed that when a customer enters their email on the checkout page but doesn’t make a purchase and simply exits, automatic reminder emails are being sent reminding them to complete the purchase. However, I haven’t clicked anything like ‘confirm,’ just entered my email on the checkout. Can someone guide me on how to implement this feature?

Hey there!

Auto Optin can help with that, basically it records the email without them having to actually submit anything.

You can enable this by going to your checkout page editor > click on the email field > and enable this from the left side bar:

Once that’s done, emails will be recorded for you as they’re typed, without the customers having to actually submit this info etc.

Then you can use OPTIN trigger together with PURCHASE ATTEMPT in your abandoned cart flow,

Let me know if you send these emails with Funnelish or with Klaviyo etc so l can guide further if you need help setting up the flow! :slight_smile:


Working! Thank you!

How to setup email flows for this function to be like reminder customer left item in checkout?

I am open to use Klaviyo or if Funnelish has a email

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Hey there!

Yes you can send via Klaviyo or via Funnelish as well, let me explain both ways for you:

1. Sending abandoned cart emails with Funnelish

Further guidance on sending emails with Funnelish

2. Sending abandoned cart emails with Klaviyo

Make sure to give Funnelish full access when creating the key, as without it we can not push any data to your lists.

This will sync the abandoned carts into a specific Klaviyo list.

  • Then, you can make your abandoned cart flow from Klaviyo to be list triggered:

Hope this helps, let me know if any other issues.


Everything is working good, how we can get info how much orders is from this flows? How much customer when get email get back adn buy product?

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How I can put just Auto Optin for someone who didn’t finish with order

On my flows, email list, get someone how buy it. I just want to Auto Optins stay for $0 customer who left email adn exit?

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Hi there,

  1. We don’t (yet) have emails analytics, but we’re planning on introducing that in the near future

At the moment, only our sms flows show analytics;

  1. Exit intent - Optin already sort of works like that (especially when you got auto optin enabled)
  • Optin trigger will capture everyone who only left their email
  • While purchase attempt captures peope who filled in all data, even clicked buy, but their payment failed. These are very high quality abandoned carts due to how far they came, how much data they gave you etc, so hence should be easier to recover.

If you wanna “separate” them from the purchase attempts (not sure why for abandoned carts but you can), then you can make 2 flows:

  1. for optins only
  2. for optins & purchase attempts
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