How to Set Custom Country Options in Funnelish

Why Customize Country Options?

Customizing country options in your Funnelish settings offers several benefits:

  • Targeted Marketing: Ensure your marketing efforts are focused on regions that are most relevant to your business.
  • Improved User Experience: Simplify the checkout process for your customers by reducing the number of options they need to scroll through.
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy: Minimize errors and ensure cleaner data collection by limiting country choices to those you actively serve.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Custom Country Options

  1. Go to your checkout page editor
  2. Add a form element to the page
  3. Set up shipping country data type
  4. Make sure your input is SELECT
  5. Select custom options

At this point, it is VERY IMPORTANT to add the correct ISO2 Country Code (2 letter country code) in the NAME box:

If the country code is wrong, the payment will fail, so it’s important to pay attention to this

Country Codes

Country Codes ISO2 Codes

Here is a list of all countries along with their corresponding two-letter ISO codes:

  • Afghanistan: AF
  • Albania: AL
  • Algeria: DZ
  • Andorra: AD
  • Angola: AO
  • Antigua and Barbuda: AG
  • Argentina: AR
  • Armenia: AM
  • Australia: AU
  • Austria: AT
  • Azerbaijan: AZ
  • Bahamas: BS
  • Bahrain: BH
  • Bangladesh: BD
  • Barbados: BB
  • Belarus: BY
  • Belgium: BE
  • Belize: BZ
  • Benin: BJ
  • Bhutan: BT
  • Bolivia: BO
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: BA
  • Botswana: BW
  • Brazil: BR
  • Brunei Darussalam: BN
  • Bulgaria: BG
  • Burkina Faso: BF
  • Burundi: BI
  • Cabo Verde: CV
  • Cambodia: KH
  • Cameroon: CM
  • Canada: CA
  • Central African Republic: CF
  • Chad: TD
  • Chile: CL
  • China: CN
  • Colombia: CO
  • Comoros: KM
  • Congo: CG
  • Congo, Democratic Republic of the: CD
  • Costa Rica: CR
  • Croatia: HR
  • Cuba: CU
  • Cyprus: CY
  • Czechia: CZ
  • Denmark: DK
  • Djibouti: DJ
  • Dominica: DM
  • Dominican Republic: DO
  • Ecuador: EC
  • Egypt: EG
  • El Salvador: SV
  • Equatorial Guinea: GQ
  • Eritrea: ER
  • Estonia: EE
  • Eswatini: SZ
  • Ethiopia: ET
  • Fiji: FJ
  • Finland: FI
  • France: FR
  • Gabon: GA
  • Gambia: GM
  • Georgia: GE
  • Germany: DE
  • Ghana: GH
  • Greece: GR
  • Grenada: GD
  • Guatemala: GT
  • Guinea: GN
  • Guinea-Bissau: GW
  • Guyana: GY
  • Haiti: HT
  • Honduras: HN
  • Hungary: HU
  • Iceland: IS
  • India: IN
  • Indonesia: ID
  • Iran: IR
  • Iraq: IQ
  • Ireland: IE
  • Israel: IL
  • Italy: IT
  • Jamaica: JM
  • Japan: JP
  • Jordan: JO
  • Kazakhstan: KZ
  • Kenya: KE
  • Kiribati: KI
  • Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of: KP
  • Korea, Republic of: KR
  • Kuwait: KW
  • Kyrgyzstan: KG
  • Lao People’s Democratic Republic: LA
  • Latvia: LV
  • Lebanon: LB
  • Lesotho: LS
  • Liberia: LR
  • Libya: LY
  • Liechtenstein: LI
  • Lithuania: LT
  • Luxembourg: LU
  • Madagascar: MG
  • Malawi: MW
  • Malaysia: MY
  • Maldives: MV
  • Mali: ML
  • Malta: MT
  • Marshall Islands: MH
  • Mauritania: MR
  • Mauritius: MU
  • Mexico: MX
  • Micronesia: FM
  • Moldova: MD
  • Monaco: MC
  • Mongolia: MN
  • Montenegro: ME
  • Morocco: MA
  • Mozambique: MZ
  • Myanmar: MM
  • Namibia: NA
  • Nauru: NR
  • Nepal: NP
  • Netherlands: NL
  • New Zealand: NZ
  • Nicaragua: NI
  • Niger: NE
  • Nigeria: NG
  • North Macedonia: MK
  • Norway: NO
  • Oman: OM
  • Pakistan: PK
  • Palau: PW
  • Palestine: PS
  • Panama: PA
  • Papua New Guinea: PG
  • Paraguay: PY
  • Peru: PE
  • Philippines: PH
  • Poland: PL
  • Portugal: PT
  • Qatar: QA
  • Romania: RO
  • Russian Federation: RU
  • Rwanda: RW
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis: KN
  • Saint Lucia: LC
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: VC
  • Samoa: WS
  • San Marino: SM
  • Sao Tome and Principe: ST
  • Saudi Arabia: SA
  • Senegal: SN
  • Serbia: RS
  • Seychelles: SC
  • Sierra Leone: SL
  • Singapore: SG
  • Slovakia: SK
  • Slovenia: SI
  • Solomon Islands: SB
  • Somalia: SO
  • South Africa: ZA
  • South Sudan: SS
  • Spain: ES
  • Sri Lanka: LK
  • Sudan: SD
  • Suriname: SR
  • Sweden: SE
  • Switzerland: CH
  • Syrian Arab Republic: SY
  • Tajikistan: TJ
  • Tanzania: TZ
  • Thailand: TH
  • Timor-Leste: TL
  • Togo: TG
  • Tonga: TO
  • Trinidad and Tobago: TT
  • Tunisia: TN
  • Turkey: TR
  • Turkmenistan: TM
  • Tuvalu: TV
  • Uganda: UG
  • Ukraine: UA
  • United Arab Emirates: AE
  • United Kingdom: GB
  • United States of America: US
  • Uruguay: UY
  • Uzbekistan: UZ
  • Vanuatu: VU
  • Venezuela: VE
  • Viet Nam: VN
  • Yemen: YE
  • Zambia: ZM
  • Zimbabwe: ZW