Impossible to add client adress

Since 2 days , it is impossible for my clients to add their adress :s

when I remove this code in the header tracking setting it work… but I can’t use paypal and everything after that

How can I resolve it please ?

Thanks so much

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Hello @Thomas_Giovannangeli,

Looks like some sort of collision with 3rd party code or maybe a temporarily broken funnel not sure though, can you provide your order form URL, let us know how that works…

Hey you can see here

Hey guys ,
I think I fix the problem and i came from the plugin smart adress on funnelish :slight_smile:

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Oh right, have you configured the Smart Address correctly?

I mean did you add your API key to the App settings, as in order to use Smart Address you’ll have to provide your Google Api Key under /Apps > Smart Address > Settings

I didn’t touch a thing :slight_smile:
It use to worked perfectly and it didn’t work anymore so I just turned off :slight_smile: