Facebook measures website traffic and conversions based on people and not based on cookies. So why lazy loading the pixel? This is unnecessary?
With Facebook Ads , it has been always a nightmare getting accurate events tracking, and it’s even worse with bot traffic. For that this app makes sure to eliminate as much bot traffic as possible without sacrificing real users data… by lazy loading your pixel, thus it’s IMPOSSIBLE for a short 2-3s bot session to hit your pixel at all… keeping your pixel data accurate and your LLAs cleaner…
Can you imagine trying to scale up with LLAs full of fake bot data! it’s simply impossible and nearly always your ROAS and CPP (Cost Per Purchase) will be awful.
Our people-based tools drive greater accuracy for measurement because Facebook is built on insights from the active people on our platform.
Our measurement tools allow marketers to measure and compare results against a single, unified, people-based standard. We leverage insights from the people who use Facebook, unlike other measurement tools that only track devices, cookies or browsers. This method leads to more accurate results that can easily be tracked across your digital advertising to understand how many unique people saw and engaged with your ads on or off Facebook. You can also gain insight into the demographics of your audience (including age, gender and location) to help you make strategic advertising decisions.
I did a bit of research around this topic, and bot traffic from Facebook does indeed exist. But it’s not that big of a problem as explained in the article below. So yeah, lazy loading the Facebook Pixel can help to filter out fake traffic and keep Facebook pixel data more accurate
It should also give you some hints why your products and ads are failing, because in many times users come to us saying hey my funnel is not converting, I bought this spaying tool and I copied exact ad, exact target exact copy if not better but failing to break even if not to make any sales at all… That video should let you understand that it’s not necessarily your product that sucks, but sometimes it could be your pixel data that is so damaged beyond repair.
In fact if you want to have an overall view over your pixel data, see how your retargeting campaigns do, if your retargeting campaigns are rendering better results than your actual direct targeting ads that means it’s all good, but if your retargeting campaigns are failing to get better CPP then that probably means you’ve hit a pool of fake traffic and it’s hard to get rid of it.
Us lazy loading the pixel, indeed we noticed in real campaigns that it helps to a certain degree, and you should be aware that there are companies selling software and services that you use in order to filter fake traffic and they are not that cheap at all. almost same thing, along a bit of simplicity and ease of use at no extra cost to you
@samlee So what youre saying is basically that if my CPA of A2C in my fb ads dashboard in my Shopify store is lower (better) than the CPA A2C in my Clickfunnels campaign its not because Clickfunnels Converion rate is lower but due to the fact that Funnelish is lazy loading the pixel and Shopify doesnt?
Thus the campaigns directing to Shopify have more events but its basically not comparing Apples to Apples? (due to lazy loading in CF?)
No, That’s not totally right, The thing is an Add To Cart in Shopify is simply clicking “Add To Cart” Button which even bots can do it… and it does not necessarily mean purchase intention.
While in CF an AddToCart event is fired once your customer gives you their email (at least) and if it’s a two step order form then you’ll get Shipping address, and other information as well, which really means there is a very HIGH purchase intent.
So I do not think we can compare a click of a button by a “possible” customer, with someone who spent the time to give you their email and full shipping address and personal information, the later is way more valuable and will certainly help build more solid audiences.