Multiple payment methods on your ClickFunnels order page!

Funnelish Pay is now officially released and you can start using it right away.

The app comes overloaded with features, such as:

  1. Offering multiple payment options at the same time (more than two payment options).
  2. Cash On Delivery.
  3. No need to create your products within Clickfunnels and Funnelish, it’s sufficient to create products in Funnelish.
  4. Tracks payment sources for each order.
  5. Your customers will be able to see a breakdown of what they bought at your order confirmation page.
  6. Easy PayPal integration, and Seamless PayPal checkout experience for your users with smooth OTO transitions.
  7. It has a dark theme.
  8. All payments are processed through Funnelish (including Credit Card payments making the whole integration process so much easier).

And much more, It’s better to take it for a spin and let us know if you have any questions.

Add multiple payment methods on your ClickFunnels order page.