Not wanting to get sued? Request this feature now!

Did you know that if you’re using Klaviyo integration with Funnelish then you are illegally pushing email addresses from Funnelish into Klaviyo?

In order for you to legally/compliantly push email addresses into Klaviyo from checkout, there needs to be an email marketing consent checkbox that is ticked at checkout (i.e. the customer consents to email marketing). Funnelish does NOT offer this email marketing consent checkbox feature, so they illegally push the email addresses and mark them as ‘consent given’ in Klaviyo (when there is no consent given).

This is non compliant and exposes your business to a ton of risk including getting sued by attorneys/competitors who are well versed in Internet law.

I’ve already emailed the founder of Funnelish multiple times about this but he doesn’t respond. Please upvote this so this feature gets prioritized.

Hi @tristan ,

Thank you for bringing this important issue to my attention. You’re absolutely right—compliance with email marketing laws, such as requiring explicit consent from customers, is crucial for protecting your business from legal risks. The lack of an email marketing consent checkbox in Funnelish can indeed expose your business to liability, especially when using tools like Klaviyo.

Since the founder of Funnelish hasn’t responded to your concerns, I recommend a workaround in the meantime:

  1. Custom Consent Checkbox: We can manually add a consent checkbox at checkout using custom code. This way, you’ll ensure that customer emails are only pushed to Klaviyo with proper consent.
  2. Track Consent Properly: We’ll ensure that this consent is recorded and only emails with valid consent are marked accordingly in Klaviyo.

I’d be happy to help implement this workaround to safeguard your business while Funnelish works on an official solution. Let me know if you’d like to proceed with that!

Best regards,
Abdulrehman Asif
[email protected]

Hi Abdulrehman, we already have an internal developer who has tried creating custom coded consent checkbox. The problem is that the emails always get pushed to into Klaviyo with consent given regardless of whether the customer has checked the box or not.

This is a feature that needs to be addresses with the Funnelish-Klaviyo integration by the Funnelish team.

Hi @tristan ,

Thanks for the clarification, and I completely understand the frustration. If the custom-coded consent checkbox is not resolving the issue and emails are still being pushed to Klaviyo as ‘consent given’ regardless of the checkbox, then it clearly indicates a deeper issue with the Funnelish-Klaviyo integration.

You’re absolutely right—this is something that needs to be directly addressed by the Funnelish team to ensure legal compliance. While I can continue to assist with troubleshooting or workaround attempts, it would be most effective for Funnelish to prioritize this feature and resolve the integration flaw.

I recommend continuing to escalate the issue with Funnelish support and the founder, and if needed, I can assist by submitting further feedback on your behalf to get this feature prioritized.

Let me know if you’d like any additional help in this process!

Best regards,
Abdulrehman Asif
[email protected]