Orderlytics Integration

Hey, I’m trying to get in contact with the Funnelish development team to see how we can integrate Funnelish with Orderlytics. Anyone point me to the dev contact ?

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Hey Eric,

Sure thing, PM me or reply to my private message would love to discuss more…


exciting collab we got here

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Hey guys,

Just checking up on this integration to see where we are at?

PayPal orders API with orderlytics would be tooo good!!

Let me know :slight_smile:


The integration has been done, Just waiting for Orderlytics team to followup on some basic issues and will roll it out for everyone, along some improvements and hopefully new bugs too :sweat_smile:

Hello @mfilev,

Check your products under Automation in Funnelish :wink:

Phew :sweat_smile: it took quite a bit of time to get it fully done and tested but there you have it and it seems to work smoothly, feel free to let us know about any bugs, issues or other feature requests you might have :slight_smile: