Hi @samlee thanks for the reply… i’m not sure if it’s the same issue as I have been searching for answers but still not able to solve it… i’m still quite new with clickfunnels and not that much familiar with otos on how to set it up in clickfunnels… i just know that i need to put #yes-link and #no-link… but i dont have a product set up in clickfunnels as stripe is not available in our country…
So my only choice is just use mainly funnelish papypal app…
Though i set my oto product on the 3rd Party Membership Access (Non-Order Form Purchase Tracking)…
by the way, i’m using paypal v1 and not v2 because I have trouble setting up the v2…
Ok @joycepo, Now I get your situation a bit better…
Even if you only plan to use PayPal alone as the only checkout option you still have to create products in Clickfunnels side, how you do it is easy; just go under Account > Payment Gateways (in Clickfunnels) and select infusionsoft or Bluesnap or any other gateway, you will be asked to give it a name and some credentials, give it “fake” credentials (just in order to create a gateway, since CF won’t allow you to add any products without it) now you have a non-functioning gateway you can use to create products.
For no-link it better be no link and not a direct link, but both are fine for Funnelish, just no links are more than what you think they are, they are responsible for taking your customers to a downsell in case the customer says no to the upsell…
As for sales will be shown under the SALES tab in Clickfunnels but STATS will not be shown (unfortunately).
Let me know how that goes, looking forward to assisting you more…
this time the error is just random (specifically for OTO)… sometimes it goes to paypal, sometimes it has the missing purchase link.
also, in clickfunnels it detected that i have a dummy payment gateway… i thought that was the reason why it’s getting errors… so i deleted the payment gateway. then i tried again testing the oto… it suddenly worked. but when test again, there are times that it does not go through paypal.
So sorry about the late reply, please try to put your replies in less posts so I can read them faster
As for that issue, we’ve been rolling out an update that day, and that caused little temporary down sections in our dashboard as for now it seems all good,
If you are still facing any issues please let me know so I can investigate it, Also try to tag me like @samlee