Paypal Orders Not Being Added To Autoresponder (Getresponse)

Paypal orders are coming through just fine (Yay!), however they are NOT being added to the campaign autoresponder I choose for the product email integration inside of ClickFunnels.

Note: Stripe customers are successfully coming through AND being added to the campaign autoresponder.

I’m using Getresponse.

Any fixes? Ideas?

Thanks Funnelish team!

did someone get back to you regarding this issue?

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Hello @Sagepollo,

That issue was simply failing to sync Funnelish orders to Clickfunnels, if you are facing a similar issue or any other issues at all, please do start a new thread and let us know more details or contact us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help :wink:

@samlee I believe I tagged you in another thread where I went into detail about the issue. Should I ignore that and start a new thread or email you?

Sending an email as well.