Skip OTO when paypal is used?

Hi All,

I’m trying to skip an OTO step when paypal has been used, does anyone know how this is possible?

When someone buys the initial offer with a credit card, they will see OTO 1 & OTO 2 and finally a receipt page.

When someone buys the initial offer with paypal, I want them to only see OTO 1 and take them to the receipt page afterward. In this scenario OTO 2 is skipped.

Is this possible at all? The reason I’m trying to set this up is because OTO 2 can’t be fulfilled correctly when paid by paypal (its an ecom subscription, only with Stripe I’m able to manage these orders correctly).

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Yes, it’s very possible @Trent, In Funnelish simply don’t add the OTO you want to escape, you can also adjust the ordering of your Funnel Steps…

Steps order in Funnelish does not have to be exactly the same as in Clickfunnels.