Update: Multi Pop-ups, Favicon, Improved Analytics, Fixed bugs and much more

Multi Pop-ups


You can now create and customise pop-ups across all your funnels.

Pop-ups can be used for multiple purposes:

  • Collect leads
  • Create a one-time offer
  • Share your privacy policy or any other type of information
  • Page redirects


You can now head to your Funnel>Settings and change the Favicon for your funnel by just adding your image. No further settings or CSS are needed anymore for setting-up your Favicon:

Further Improvements:

Improved Analytics Accuracy - We have fixed some analytics issues, so now your dashboard stats should be more accurate;

Hyperlynks Withn Paragraphs Bug Fixed - You can now take full advantage of your paragraph hyperlinks;

Improved Page Builder - You can resize pages to see how they would look like in different screen sizes, not just Tablet, Mobile, and Desktop.

Many Other Bugs Fixed - We have fixed many of the other small glitches around the platform.

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