URGENT: custom code for checkout needed - "Remove products from last order"

Hey there, my issue is the following:

Customer buys products (checkout + upsell).

Customer buys again but this time the products from the first order are again in the checkout and you cant remove them. Customer was using empty cache and inkognito mode. Same problem

Is there a custom code for that problem?

Hi @Animag ,

As it’s a funnel system if the customer does a purchase with a previously used email they will see their order history and at the top their recent order.

This has always been this way, and simply because in a funnels system we don’t know when a new session is started and when old one ends. Because of this, a customer can go back and buy upsells etc on same session and this is out of our control, so we wouldn’t now precisely when or what to show him on that “final” invoice, as no invoice is really final since he can just go back and buy again if that make sense?

We understand however, how this can cause confusion for the customers so we are now looking into this and trying to find ways to replace this as we do understand it might be confusing.

For now, what you can do without using custom code is the following:

  1. Edit the Thank You Page
  2. Remove the order summary element.
  3. Then add some text along the lines of “Thank you for your purchase, you will receive an email shortly with the details of your order”
  • If you synced your products with Shopify, they will get the exact receipt of their purchase from Shpofiy
  • If you are not syncing with Shopify, you can set up an automation to send an email to the customer

Hope this helps!