The main part of my funnel is a video. The video I uploaded was using Vimeo, if autoplay is on and control are not showing the video will be muted for the customers, and if autoplay is not on and the controls are still not showing, the video is impossible to be played.
Does anyone know how can I have the video playing with volume, but without the controls showing. Maybe just a play button that you can press at the start in order to have volume on the video.
I would like a specific button or a part of the funnel landing page to be visible only after a certain time after the video has been played. Do you think this can be possible?
If this is not possible with funnelish, maybe there is another funnel platform that can suit my needs, I am open to any suggestion.
Hey @bryan sorry for having missed that, if the video has the autoplay ENABLED then the volume will be off as default and there isn’t a way to unmute unless it’s with the controls visible.
As an alternative you can set up a pop up or a banner above the video that shows a prompt to unmute it.
The other option would be having the autoplay DISABLED and then adding a prompt to play the video.