Whatsapp Icon In funnel by CODING

I need an immediate assistance on creating a whatsapp icon in my funnel. This is the example.

whenever someone clicks the icon, it shall open mini-page (just as like in the picture).
and as soon as they click on the button, it shall direct customers to my whatsapp account, whith the same page that they are in.

For example; if someone ordered a prodcut in sales page and directed to upsell page where i offer multiple products. then, they decided to contact us by clicking the whatsapp icon. we want to know where the customers were, in which specific page of the funnel they left last.
so, if they want to send a message first, that link (the page they were in last moment) must be sent to us automatically. and eventually their actual messages like (hi, hello, we wanted to know your shipping etc, you offer refund blah blah)

One more important thing, that written code must be sticking in the left corner of the page, just as like in the page, regardless of the device. and that icon wont be used in one specific funnel, meaning that if i have 6 steps on the funnel, i want the widget to appear in every funnel. So it must be added in this section

i hope i clearely explained well enough.

(I tried this way as well => but we dont want as it is too simple How to add Whatsapp chat button to a funnel/page?)

Hi @Mahmud_Asad_Mansurov,

Here is an example that we made for you:
Preview: whatsapp_icon_mini-page

1- Add the Watsapp image.

2- Then, go to Advanced and give it the ID w-btn.

3- Finally, Go to Custom Codes > Custom JS(Body) and paste the following:

  let pageURL = window.location.href;
  let href = "https://wa.me/212684939341?text=Been on this page: (" + pageURL + ")%0aAnd I would like to ask about:";
document.getElementById('w-btn').setAttribute('href', href)

Feel free to edit the message in the custom code.

Let us know how it goes,

Fey @Funnelish.

dear, your link is not working

plus, code you shared is not working my friend. please help us on clarifiying more about this =>

  1. I added a whatsapp Image in the raw > section.
  2. I set the CLICK ACTION => No action and Added the ID w-btn.
  3. Copied pasted the code you wrote in Custom JS(Body) on that funnel only.

can you please check dear?
thanks in advance

New Other please check the demo
i did every step you said.
you can “inspect” your code.

your feedback is highly appreciated :wink:

Hi, @Mahmud_Asad_Mansurov Sorry for the long delay.
It seems you added the Code in the wrong area, it should be Custom Codes > Custom JS(Body) instead of Custom Codes > Custom JS(Head).