XAPP.js is returning an error when loaded. 'Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined
at call_next_app (xapp.js:1)
at Object.success (xapp.js:1)
at u (lander.js:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (lander.js:2)
at n (lander.js:4)
at XMLHttpRequest.d (lander.js:4)
at XMLHttpRequest.nrWrapper (order-form:6)


It’s actually not even just paypal, it is loading Funnelish’s JS that is throwing the error. 0 Apps need to be enabled, it is simply loading their JS, which is causing an error, which of course prevents the JS from rendering properly and applying the PayPal functionality or anything else that would be provided by Funnelish.

Removed all additional code that was being injected through “Header” or “Footer” code and even removed the funnelish js inclusion. Refreshed repeatedly so the error would go away, since CF is probably caching things somewhere either locally at CF or via a CDN. Once problem went away, added back in Funnelish, but without any “apps” enabled and error immediately started showing.

There has to be a better way of reporting something that appears to essentially be an outage…

hmm, there is no outage as we speak can you please PM me your order form link where that error happens? that way can assist you much better :slight_smile:

Message Sent; let me know and I will be glad to assist in troubleshooting.

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Hello @synthreads,

Thanks for cooperating with us :slight_smile: I went ahead and checked your order form, and can see that error has nothing to do directly with Funnelish.

instead the problem you have is that you are using the wrong step URL inside Funnelish, Instead of using the direct URL given by Clickfunnels use the URL shown by your browser after opening the step in a new tab:

Let me know how that goes, and will be happy to assist you further to get it working :wink:


I feel like a dumb-head now :frowning: Thank you very much for pointing out my screw-up and while I am not glad that the problem was PEBKAC, I will admit the fault.


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It was all good @synthreads can understand the frustration, and we are very thankful for you cooperating to help you fix the problem :slight_smile: Feel free to let us know if facing any other problems :wink:

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