One click upsell hack for PayPal Plugin in Clickfunnels

It has been always a nightmare to see your customer never coming back to your funnel once they’ve purchased through Paypal, well… that shouldn’t be a problem anymore once you follow the simple tweaks listed below:

  1. First, go to the PayPal website and log in to your account.

  2. Click “Profile” at the top of the page.

  3. Click the “Website Payment Preferences” link in the Selling Preferences column.

  4. Switch On the Auto Return button.

  5. Input a default Return URL for all your funnels (do not worry this only works as a fallback if something goes wrong at the product level).

This can be any URL you own ie. your home page URL, it will not affect the funnel flow at all.

  1. Click Save, and Enjoy!

Theoretically, this should be quite better than any credit card 1 Click upsell. Even though your customers MUST confirm the purchase on Paypal’s secure web pages without having to re-login every time.

You only need to do the above, only once for your “Recipient account”.


Good Morning,

What other pages do I need to include in my Funnel so it works with the Paypal app. I have the following pages.

  1. Order page with bump
  2. Upsell
  3. Downsell

I ask this because I remember seeing that there was only one type of thank you page that could be used with Paypal?

Thanks Yassine!

That’s not entirely correct, :slight_smile: the problem was that Clickfunnels never updates their “Confirmation Pages” (style of a thank you page) if a sale is made through Paypal!!

The only thing you can do is remove the “order confirmation” item from your thank you page since it will show “Dynamically updated” instead of the actual product.

So it works no matter what Thank you page you have. Infact you can also have “listings” in your thank you pages and get paid for them directly through Paypal just like OTOs.

as for the Types we have, currently our App “understands” (aka processes) three types of pages:

  1. Order forms (all types).
  2. OTOs (Upsells/Downsells/cross sells or even Thank you pages with OTO links inside :smiley: ).
  3. Thank You pages.

For the time being our app does not need any extra pages (Optin, Sales page…etc)

But after adding more apps we realized the use of those apps even outside of the Order form space… so you can expect us supporting more types of pages soon, though you may still add an optin/sales page just like if it’s a thank you page…without breaking the app… just we need to make it a bit more obvious and official from our side.

Hope that helps!

Hello Yassine, I corrected the bug (have to clone the funnel step, the clone worked…), now credit card and the plugin are working fine! I tested all with credit card and it’s all working. But with paypal, after I bought the product on paypal the redirection is not working… On my first test, after buying the product it redirected me directly to my OTO2. Checked the funnel on your app, it’s all in the right order. I actually erase and configure it one more time to be sure. Last test, I get redirected to my “return URL”…

Check all what you say in this article about the paypal setting they are good… I allways tested with real credit card , from the first step of my funnel, each time with a new incognito window. The button on the product and OTO page are working and sending me to the right paypal transaction page

Thanks for your help!

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Ok so the first part is saying the OTO redirect is not working, and the last part says it’s working.

Just the problem I believe is that you didn’t setup the next step on our app :slight_smile: since the first OTO worked that means all the subsequent OTOs will work just fine.

So I think just setup the next step on our app :slight_smile: like “Order form > OTO1 > OTO2 > TYP

So that our App knows where to take your visitors next…

Ok i was not very clear, I mean the button are working fine, but the redirect is never working…
On the app I have: Order form > OTO1 > OTO2 (I will add the thank you page)
but on my first testwhat I get was: order form --> OTO 2
On the second test: order form --> “paypal return URL”

Hello Yassine, it still not redirecting people properly when using paypal… I made screenshots of my setings in your plugin and on paypal there:
Please check why it’s not working… In today test, just after buying the first product, I was directly redirected to my thank you page, without seeing any OTO…

The funnel URL are:
First step form: Buch "Geige lernen mit Erfolg als Erwachsener"
Checkout page: Buch "Geige lernen mit Erfolg als Erwachsener"
OTO1: Buch "Geige lernen mit Erfolg als Erwachsener"
OTO2: Buch "Geige lernen mit Erfolg als Erwachsener"
THY: Buch "Geige lernen mit Erfolg als Erwachsener"

Hey there,

So I checked your checkout page, and least I can say is 1; It’s super confusing due to the used template, 2; It’s even more confusing to me due to the language barrier :frowning:

And i found this when I tried to checkout:

Certainly there is something NOT right with your template :confused: I believe the issue you are encountering is due to the used template it is using tons of 3rd party hard codings which our apps won’t really be stable with all of that code around!

Please make sure to clean your template or at least show me the source of that template so I know what has been done probably I could provide you better guidance.

As for the OTO forwarding for our App, I believe unless you have some “mistakes” on your links (on the funnel steps) on our app or maybe you created many steps on different funnels using the same URL then it shouldn’t be an issue and all should work just fine.

You clicked on the wrong button, this one is for paying with SEPA, it’s some other form of payment. And this is only an active campaign form that I embeded, this should have no issue with this and this page allways work. What don’t work is after paying with paypal the first product, the redirection is always wrong

Here the URL paypal send me to after buying my first product:"Geige%20lernen%20mit%20Erfolg%20als%20Erwachsener"%20BUCH%20%2B%20Die%2030%20schönste%20Stücke%20für%20die%20Geige&item_number="GEIGE_LERNEN_MIT_ERFOLG_ALS_ERWACHSENER"_BUCH-OB&st=Completed&tx=7YH56552JS9757246

Look at all the screenshots I send you and you will see that my URL are all right and that the configuration is ok too. There are no steps with the same URL, because I use a custom domain name for this funnel, different from all my other funnel. I know is difficult for you in german, but actually all you need to look to is the configuration I made on your app and the URL

Ok I found the issue and this is an issue from your app:
On the funnel steps page, when trying to move the step with the mouse in a different sequence, if you actualise the page after changing the step sequence, it show the same sequence that before you tried to change something, like it didn’t save the change you made. But actually it change the step sequence of the funnel, and I could see the actual sequence by going into a product information tab and clicking on the “funnel step” button there:
After that I tried moving the funnel step on the funnel step page until they were showing correctly on the “funnel step” button of a product information tab.
After I made that, the redirection were always working.
I think it worked for most of the people until there, because they created all the funnel step directly and don’t try to move them later, but the bug is there.

Now there is only one last problem, after buying the first product, when clicking on the OTO1 buy button, it showed a small popup window saying “Your credit card was declined, please update your card” (you can see it there). But after closing the popup and clicking a 2nd time on the OTO1 buy button it redirect me normally to paypal and all worked fine. I bought my OTO1 on paypal, was redirected to my OTO2, and there when trying to buy it, it show me one more time the same popup. I closed it and clicked a 2nd time on the YES button and this time it worked too.

It’s for me really important that it allways work on the first click, without having clickfunnel showing this popup, most of the people won’t try to click a second time on the YES button from my OTOs.

Can you please have a look at this and find how to resolve this issue?


PS: And forgot to say, the fancy credit card app look really awesome! You really should send us an email each time that you add one of your great plugin!

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Hi, Sorry for being late recently working on lots of stuff this week :frowning:
As for that issue, I find it really serious, Since we had that before and supposedly it’s fixed! long ago!!! :o

Hmm…Not sure if it could be something changed by CF itself recently or what but will have to figure it out asap…

As for the first issue you mentioned, which is about the “sorting” of the products/funnel steps, can you clarify how that works! Since I myself never encountered that issue once reordered the steps the changes are saved automatically.

And finally:

Thank you appreciate it :slight_smile: I’m honestly trying my best to do that :frowning: but unfortunately the development of the apps takes all my time, I need more users to afford hiring a VA or a Content Manager full time to do the emails/support/social media…etc


I’ve tested out some of your OTOs they seem to work just fine, usually that issue “might” happen if you purchase through “Credit Card” on the same funnel on the same browser and on the same device. And then trying to purchase through “Paypal”, Thus CF thinks that your Card has expired or something…(though it shouldn’t happen).

So that’s not a problem really :slight_smile: (But still waiting for some confirmation and details on how to reproduce that issue on my side, in order to get it fixed).

Also feel free to join our Facebook Group - Clickfunnels Practical: That’s where I share my new apps…and tricks from time to time, till we manage to get a content manager :slight_smile:

Hello Yassine no problem! Ok, I think too that the credit card popup was because I bought first with credit card and after that with paypal, with other test I made later it work just fine! So now it’s all working perfect, really great!
The only thing I’m missing, (but not really important), would be to have on the thank you page the dynamic summary of what people bought, like for the credit card. So then you are finish with your app :wink:

For the issue, it is that when I reorder the step of the funnel, it don’t save what I change. When I actualise the page after that, it show me the old sorting of the funnel. But actually, it saves something, and it’s not the sorting I did. The only way to see the sorting of the step was then to look in some product info at the sorting of the funnel step. I had to made a lot of test to get the right sorting. Very strange problem. I’m using the last version of google chrome with windows 10. All driver are up to date too. Tried it in an incognito window without cookie and problem still there too.

I’m sure that you will get a ton of new customers, you are doing a great job and there is allways more interesting app coming! Maybe 1 pro month should be enough actually, 2 pro Month look like really hard…

Thanks for your help, now it work all fine!

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Yeah :frowning: I totally agree on that one, I’ve been waiting for CF staff to fix that issue alongside the Stats issue as well (for Paypal and other non-stripe payment methods) but seems they are ignoring it even though they are aware of the problem :frowning: so I believe will have to do it myself… I’m thinking of that issue and I believe can launch few updates to get it solved this week.

And for the issue you reported, I guess I understand your point :slight_smile: even though I failed to reproduce it right now on my account, will keep digging till I find it :slight_smile: will get it solved in no time.

And Thanks alot for the great feedback, actually for the last 3 weeks we’ve been launching up to 2 apps per week some times… And for the next 2-3 weeks we’ve decided to focus on improving the apps we have now, and introduce more features and bug fixes before adding more apps :slight_smile: we have tons more waiting :wink:

This week is super heavy in terms of progress and bug fixes on the App itself, so you are going to see some massive changes and improvements in the upcoming couple days.

For now, Enjoy it :slight_smile:

what do you mean by the part I quoted above?

Hi @yassine,

With the new PayPal v2 plugin is it still the case the users must confirm each purchase at the PayPal site before moving to the next offer? Ideally, when a client accepts a OTO, I would like that product to be added to their cart and then they would do a single confirmation at the end of the process with all items grouped together. Is this possible, or must they still go to PayPal to confirm each transaction?


That’s really how apps like Shopify work, and that will result in a very poor OTO conversion rate, since your customers once they add everything to cart they’ll get shocked to see a very high price at the end so they’ll drop off, even though at one stage they where ready to buy at least the front end offer.

With PayPal v2, it’s still the case you CANNOT charge your customers on PayPal except on a PayPal page, the only way around that is getting reference transactions approved by PayPal, and they DO NOT approve everyone, so just keep it as is, PayPal doesn’t really have that low conversion rate compared to CC… in fact it has a great front end conversion rate, and all subsequent upsells they must be confirmed on PayPal.

The good news is that PayPal v2, doesn’t require configuring your PayPal account, and it has immediate Upsell redirection so it’s smoother.

Also has few conversion boosting properties, like on each funnel you can customize how PayPal itself looks like, you can add a LOGO, you can even add the offer name to the page header on PayPal…etc… and that can help especially when having a single PayPal business account, and multiple funnels.