Adding a variant when selecting a 1 of 3 products on checkout page

Hi Team,

On our checkout page, we offer three upsell options (a discount when purchasing more than one package). We would like to add a dropdown where customers can select a gift if they choose the second option, and another dropdown if they select the third option.

Support informed me that the only way to implement this is through code. Could anyone provide more details on how to achieve this?

I look forward to hearing from you.


Hi @Margarita_Stamatova ! You can see this thread which should help you accomplish it: How To Add Dynamic Variants Drop Downs to Select Size Or Color?

It’s done for size/color but it can be adjusted to anything else.

If you have any questions about the code set up, you can post it in that thread. :slight_smile:

Belén @Funneish