How to make test purchase using PayPal?

This question has been initially asked by @tbeguin in our group and thought to add it as an article for anyone else having same concerns.

First of all, you should know that the instructions are the same for all pages on our Paypal app for CF (check your URL + Product) and voila, as long as you do that the same way, you’ll be just good to go live, but here are the three top hacks I use to test my Clickfunnels Paypal Plugin setup:

1. To test without paying I usually do this :smiley:

  1. Go to the order form, and click on “complete order” or whatever button u have.
  2. Once you get taken to paypal checkout DO NOT pay.
  3. Go to your OTO page u want to test (on the same browser), and load it in your browser, and Click the Yes link or button or whatever button u have.
  4. If taken to the correct paypal OTO checkout, then it’s working all fine :slight_smile:

2. Low Testing Price (Recommended / Easiest):

  1. Change the price on the APP alone (to a very low price 0.01$, 0.05$) PP accepts prices as low as 0.01$

  2. Pay with another account and go through your entire funnel normally if it works all fine… then just increase the price to the normal one.

  3. That is my favorite hack.

3. Official Solution (by Paypal):

Paypal recommends creating sandbox accounts for testing, but unfortunately, the process of creating one is so long and not available everywhere, making it much easier to get an actual account compared to a sandbox one. So:

  1. Go to

  2. Create two PayPal sandbox accounts (one for business (recipient) and one for paying).

  3. Use those two accounts to test like if are real accounts they won’t charge you anything (just change the Paypal Business ID/Email for your entire funnel)

  4. Unfortunately, that is the only TEST mode available for PayPal, and it’s not supported in many countries including mine, so I stick to the two hacks above.

Make sure to restore back the actual Paypal account for once done using the sandbox one.

Hope that helps :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi, I have followed everything as per your setup instructions (I hope). I live in South Africa where we can ONLY use PAYPAL as a payment processor. I am new to Clickfunnels but have set uo a 2 step order page, a OTO Upsell and an OTO downsell. All of these have been set up in the app and on clickfunnels.

When I go into the PREVIEW of 2-step order page, the amount of the initial offer does not show up, it just says “Dynamically Updated” and then when I click the order button nothing happens.

Is there any further documentation about how to further set up on PAYPAL, if anything?

Thank you!

Ok I understand your issue :slight_smile:
You simply forgot to setup any Credit Card product, (Stripe, Braintree, …etc) on CF simple under you funnel step > PRODUCTS create the same products you created before on the app…

that way our app will refer those who decide to buy through CC to the CC checkout, others to the Paypal checkout.

hope that helps.

Living in South Africa, none of those payment gateways are available, I can only use PP.
Would I have had to use one of these or can I simply select one on the products drop town in Clickfunnels and your app does the rest?

Thank you, I am desperate for a solution for this!

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hmm… ok ok
you can use a random gateway (e.g. Stripe) and then use our plugin,
and then hopefully your customers will use Paypal instead or I can send you a custom script to put on your funnel to hide the stripe (CC) box and use Paypal alone instead :slight_smile: but still you have to setup some CC on your CF funnel even if you do not use it.

2 posts were split to a new topic: How to process Credit/Debit Cards through Paypal Only on Clickfunnels?

I had this exact question. Thank you for answering it in so much detail! Save me so much time.

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ok - first I did the 0.01 cent test buying my main product and it did not go to the OTO page.

next I did the open the OTO page in the same browser after checking the the paypal redirect, and it went to paypal.

So these tests showed a discrepancy.

What do I need to check next to ensure the OTO page will appear after the paypal option for the main product is processed. What should the experience be? waiting for it’s own redirect to happen?

Thought I would do my own troubleshooting (due to lack of tutorials) and found it was the funnel steps order in funnelish that caused the issue. Seems to be working now. Apologies (but still hope to see step by step tutorials one day to save time and a bucketload of high stress frustrations)

I’m trying to use a Sandbox account to test a purchase but
the Submit Button isn’t redirecting to but only to

In my funnel step I set my sandbox email as PayPal Account.

Am I missing something?


How do you change the price on the App? What App are you referring to?

I was referring to Funnelish, you can change product prices in it to 0.01$ to test PayPal,

Ah, ok. Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: